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Eduardo José Peña

Phd Research Assistant (CONICET)

Research topics

RNA trafficking


RNA trafficking and localization are fundamental processes during development and signaling across phyla. Plants support the intercellular transport of RNA molecules including messenger RNAs and small RNAs through plasmodesmata (PD), with fundamental implications in cell-to-cell and long distance signaling during development, responses to environmental stresses and defense. RNA viruses exploit these RNA transport mechanisms for the distribution of their genomes and establishment of systemic infections. To understand these mechanisms, we use Tobacco mosaic virus as a model of ribonucleoprotein localization and transport. The identification and characterization of plant components involved in viral transport, combined with the use of inhibitors of cellular processes and microscopy for the in vivo visualization of fluorescent proteins and labeled RNA are among the tools used to gain knowledge on RNA transport in plants.

  • Malachite green derivatives for two-photon RNA detection. Lux J.*, Peña E.J*., Bolze F., Heinlein M. and Nicoud J.F. Chem BioChem. 2012 13:1206-13. (*, equal contribution).

  • Ophioviruses CPsV and MiLBVV movement protein is encoded in RNA 2 and interacts with the coat protein. Gabriel Robles-Luna*, Eduardo José Peña, María Belén Borniego, Manfred Heinlein and María Laura García. Virology. 2013; 441, 152-161. (*, equal contribution). PubMed

  • Microtubules in viral replication and transport. Annette Niehl, Eduardo José Peña, Khalid Amari and Manfred Heilein. The Plant Journal. 2013;75(2):290-308.

  • Cortical microtubule-associated ER sites: organization centers of cell polarity and communication. Eduardo José Peña and Manfred Heinlein. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2013;16, 764-773.

  • Experimental virus evolution reveals a role of plant microtubule dynamics and TORTIFOLIA1/SPIRAL2 in RNA trafficking Peña E*, Ferriol I*, Sambade A*, Buschmann H, Niehl A, Elena SF, Rubio L, and Heinlein M (2014). PlosOne. Aug 18;9(8):e105364. (*, equal contribution).

  • In vivo labelling of RNA molecules. Peña, E, Sambade, A. and Heinlein, M (2015). In: Plasmodesmata – Methods and Protocols (ed. Heinlein, M). Series Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer, New York, USA.1217:329-41.










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